Friday, April 29, 2011

manitoba flooding.

This video really shows you how much water is flooding manitoba,and all where it has been happening. What stood out to me in this video was when the trees were half underwater in a park and the soccer feild looked liked a lake. I cant imagine living like this, hardly being able to go anywhere because everything is flooded.

- lyndsey :)

Crazy People! As I was watching this video I was wondering why people are trying to make it through the water? If I owned a car and was old enough too drive I don't think I would take the risk of getting stuck like the people in this video did.
-Brennan :]

Flooding in Manitoba! 
When I saw this video i was absolutely shocked! There are so many streets that are closed because they're flooded so much. One picture on the video shows how much the road is actually flooded. Lots of street lights are half way under water. I can't even imagine living in a place where flooding is happening! So many streets are closed so you can't even get to some places. If I was living there and a road was closed that lead to somewhere I really needed to go I would not be too impressed. I bet the people living there are not too happy with so many roads being closed. There is also a picture on the video that shows a garage with the doors open and the water is flooding into it. If I was the person living there I would be extremely mad that my garage and everything in there was getting soaked in water! The people living in these places with flooding must be pretty upset that alll this is happening to them!

what we think about all of the Flooding!

Me and Katie thinnk about all of the flooding is that it ia really terrible and that it should stop because it hurts people and it recks peoples home because they end up flooding the homes and people lifes!!
hello fellow classmates!
I found this website on Google, it shows the water increase from extreme flooding , Its disturbing to actually see the statistics in colour and image. It makes it alot easier to understand. I dont think i was aware of the actual danger manitobans face every year in spring! The first picture was of the water and lake at a regular level (they are marked with a blue patch) and the second was the increase due to flooding, it completely insnane, not to mention destructive. If I lived in manitoba during flood i dont know if i would stay. It is ugly looking, murky water flooding streets and bridges. It is also a complete waste of land, waterlogged and constantly moving, it cannot be used and will tear away layers of crops. This obviously would never help the econompy either! Take a look and i definately want to know what you thought about these comparisons.
- kristaa <3

Hello. I found this video very interesting. I chose this video because it was very crazy seeing a boat being pushed straight into a bridge and just colapsing. I would really hate to be one of the people  that lived here because I would have to fight for my life in my own city.


Flooding Everywhere.

Global warming doesn't seem like that big of an issue here, but if you see other places, like Austrailia at the moment, it would open your eyes to how much of a problem it is becoming. Honestly, it is becoming quite a big deal. What if everything starts flooding like this?
It would be terrifying.

This was a video and a News Report that talks about many flooding around the world. The video on ABC News is showing clips of some places that are in major misery from floods. Like as Brazil and Australia. These clips really make you think because imagine you were those people and say you had a new born child or something maybe a pet or a family member who can easily pass away from this major accident.
Its pretty hard to imagine stuff like this and also if you think about it and you have a child you would have to hold on to someone so precious to you. Could you imagine how hard that would be? Because  if you need to get taken to a building away from the water you only have one hand on the rope and the other holding your child and their life is depending on you grip.

~ Rebecca

Flooding in Manitoba

I can't believe how much water is in Winnipeg and the surrounding area.  I couldn't imagiene trying to do go school or work, even getting around town would be so difficault because there is SO MUCH WATER!  I was looking at one of the live videos of this bridge, and it was completely covered in water.  The people living there must be so frustrated not being able to get to the city or trying to find back roads due to the water.  I couldn't even imagiene if Dryden had this flooding problem.  Its great to watch to see what kind of changes happens every day, but if it was happening to you it wouldn't be all that great.


Flood Reaching its Highest!

I found a picture and article on the cbc website, , the picture at the top looks like this town is an island!  In the article it says that roads were barricaded, and then completely closed because of the flooding.  I can't imagine having no roads!  There also is a picture at the bottom of this article of a house that is surrounded by the flood, and it looks like it's stranded!  I don't know if the people are still living in that house because it would be VERY hard to live in it sinse you can't really go ANYWHERE.  The roads to get to the house are basically completely underwater, you could probably make it to the driveway, and then you'd be starting to submerge in the water!  I'm so glad I'm not living in a flood because i don't even know what I would do!

how waters affected the countryside

Has anyone been out towards winnipeg recently? I was there for easter but i was in the area that is mostly farming. And the land out there is completely wet! I think i wore rubbers all weekend! septic fields are all backed up, and everyones property has a lake on it! but the thing that really shocked me was how everyone was getting rid of the water. Everyone out there has pumps that were pumping the water over 100 yards with hoses into the ditches! and the ditches had to be AT LEAST 4 feet deep! Anothing thing i noticed was that water had caused the land to shift! decks were un even cement tiles has cracked, its insane!

How do they deal with the water?

Oh my gosh!! I really didn't know that things in Manitoba were so bad! I feel really bad for all the people living there and for people that have to leave there homes because of the water. If I lived there I am not sure how I would react to this and what I would do. I haven't really been aware of the high water levels in manitoba until this year, and I am wondering what sort of things the people are doing to solve the issue.
-Kyla :)

wow that is scary..floods for real!!

Can you imagin haveing a flood at your house? wow that would be scary to hear, knowing that it is your real home and looking outside after that very bad flood that you had omg that would suck big time. and knowing that it can happen anywhere in this world , thats just crazy , if i ever heard if it was coming hear i knwo that most people wouldnt be happy and there will will alot of damige in this area right think to yourself inmagin this happing to us.

April Scheifele

No planting crops yet!

The water isn't going down,and  between tomorrow and May 2nd, the flood is supposed to reach it's highest point, which means delaying the planting of farmers crops. This isn't good for Manitoba and the other places that receives the vegetables and other thing from the farmers. There was a news story on CTV the other night and they interviewed a farmer from Winnipeg, he was hoping the water would disappear as fast as it came so they could start planting their crops.

erin :) ,<3
Wow imagine waking and looking out side and seeing water every where that would be scary knowing that there is probably a hole bunch of water in your house that would suck.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scary Floods!!

WOW! It must suck for all the people living in Manitoba. Mostly in Red River Valley,with all the floods it must be really scary .Can you image waking up one morning and theres water every where in the town in your home? It would be really scary. Waking up and getting out of bed and having to step into a big pool of water in you home. I wouldn't even know what to do.
-Autumn :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

anyone want a pool? I didn't think so

Holy moly the water systems from this winter are phenomenal the water is almost higher than a bridge and one bridge is completely covered in water I think it would suck if people lived on one side of a bridge and needed food or something and they couldn't get it because of the water height... so they would have to starve. The only thing that is good about this water height is that more people can go fishing but I think that is the one and only thing there is that can be applaused. Water levels are as high as they can get this year, that is what I think.

Trenton J.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rivers overflowing

I don't know why it surprises me since it happens every year but it does... the Red River overflowing its banks creating chaos and devastation. I've been watching the effects of the flooding on various webcam and wow!!!! Webcams are an awesome way to be right there as it happens. Check it out and see for yourself. 

Click on the blue icons. Once a bubble with the name and photo of the place pops up, click on the link that says “view the live camera”. For the Grand Forks camera, to play the live feed, click the play button that is on the bottom of the picture, NOT the one in the middle of the screen.

 I think the best camera is the St Jean Baptiste because you can see the water levels rising up against the bridge. Even CBC and CTV show videos every day of the devastation. Could you imagine this happening to your home????