Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rivers overflowing

I don't know why it surprises me since it happens every year but it does... the Red River overflowing its banks creating chaos and devastation. I've been watching the effects of the flooding on various webcam and wow!!!! Webcams are an awesome way to be right there as it happens. Check it out and see for yourself. 

Click on the blue icons. Once a bubble with the name and photo of the place pops up, click on the link that says “view the live camera”. For the Grand Forks camera, to play the live feed, click the play button that is on the bottom of the picture, NOT the one in the middle of the screen.

 I think the best camera is the St Jean Baptiste because you can see the water levels rising up against the bridge. Even CBC and CTV show videos every day of the devastation. Could you imagine this happening to your home????


  1. Whoah.
    The St.Jean Baptiste webcam is really bad. The river is practically swallowing the bridge! Never once have I ever seen something like this, other than the movies. Its really shocking to see that this can actually happen, and it is happening near us!
    If that would happen to where I live, I wouldnt know what to do. I'd be running around, not knowing anything, and trying to get on a boat or something. I think that I'd be hopeless if it were to happen to us.
    - Montana

  2. I personally don't know why it wouldn't surprise you. I mean, it's pretty scary and dangerous how the water gets so high and even gets to the point of threatening people's homes. I can't image being in that situation and being threatened by the water. It's rediculous! I can say that I share that surprised feeling though. Actually I havent really payed any attention to the water hazards in Winnipeg until this year, since it's become such a huge issue. When I did find out I was kind of nervous because I as well as many other people, have family in Winnipeg and I also feel bad for all the citizens. I do have to agree that it is pretty amazing seeing the live videos of what is happening there. It makes me feel like i'm actually there!

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  5. I also think that the St Jean Baptiste cam is the best because you can see what the bridge looked like before and how much the water has risen over the bridge.If this happened here it would be really scary. People would freak out and would not want to sleep at night because they would be afraid that the water would flood their house and they would drown.


  6. If this happened to my community, I would get as much valuables as i can and get my family together and get as to somewhere with no flooding. Then i would go help the elderly people because they are not as strong as youthful people. The best thing to doi in a flooding would prorably get a boat because you still be on top of the water and you could go places easy.


  7. I think it would be awful living in a flood! I couldnt even imagine it! I watched this video on the ctv website, and I found that several communities have been evacuating, with elderly and sick leaving first, i would hate to be kicked out of my house because of the water levels. A total of 958 people in manitoba have had to evacuate their area because of the flooding. Also, the water is so powerful, that it is said to fill up an entire community in only 15 or 20 minutes. I couldn't imagine anything like this in my community, its unbelieveable that the water levels are so high. I also think it would be horrible if there was no street access, because the floods last for a while, so you wouldn't really be able to do anything for a pretty long time. Trapped in your home with the waters rising around you, it would be terrible!

  8. I couldnt imagine this happening to my house because i am at the top of my subdivision and everywhere else in town and at the lowest parts of my subdivision would have to be completely flooded over top oif the houses for the water to reach my house. But if this somehow happened to my house i would most definately go to the highest point in town furthest away from the water.
    Cam w

  9. Out of all the floods i looke at i think the St John Baptiste had the best cam. i liked how it showed the water halfway up the brifge. if this was to happen in the community i lived in i think everyone would be really scared.


  10. I can't believe that the floods in Winnipeg are this bad. I couldn't imagine this happening in Dryden. The whole downtown area would be covered in water. I never realized how bad the floods were until I saw that video of the St Jean Baptiste and the whole bridge was covered. This flood must impack alot of people every year, if you need to use that bridge to get to school or to work you will have to find another way or stay at home. This must impact alot of people. I really couldn't imagine Dryden being flooded. It would be horrible!

  11. Wow! St. Jean Baptiste live webcam is really horrible! Seeing the river pretty much eat the bridge.
    If this was to happen to us. I would be scared and running around hopeless.

  12. Seeing all the damage that the flood has caused is really devestating, I couldn't imagine my house bieng destroyed by the raging waters. When I watched the live cam of the Flood Gates, compared to how much water used to be there before hand, I can tell that this flood will bring even more damage to Winnipeg and the surrounding areas. Families evacuating and watching their own homes bieng destroyed is awful. The videos that CBC has of this years flood is reminding of the videos and news stories I've read about the 1997 flood. How can the citizens of Winnipeg and other cities that follow the Red River deal with the stress of this?!?

    - erin :)

  13. I was just there this weekend! we went by the flood way which is only usually 2 meters wide, and now you could mistake it for lake winnieg! (or manitoba not sure which one it is :P)

  14. yes i think it can happen to our homew town cause there are many places in the world that have been flooded and causeed alot of damiged and i think floods should not be previewed in canada cause there are halfe of this world that is in candad and the other half is in the united stats . i think this because people wouldnt want to deal with liveing on the streets and haveing thrie home messed up because of the flood that happend in theri town , i know i wouldnt want this happening to our town cause there are so many people here that dont want to leave dryden just cause of a flood that is coming . it would cause alot , and people wouldnt want that .. floods SHOULD NOT be perviewd here in canada.

    Blog Post by: April Scheifele

  15. I think that it's pretty cool that you can view the cams live,but anyways it would be a big surprise to just see the water rising and rising if you lived there just waching it swallow the land around you.If dryden started to flood a big portion of people would probably leave dryden just to be safe. but also the people who stayed would probably be pretty scared also many people might drown.


  16. i could'nt imagine this happening to me becuase of everything that would be destroyed and ruined in the flooding and you probly would'nt be able to save anything as well....


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  18. Out of all the flood cams I looked at i also agree that the St John Baptiste was the best one because it showed the before picture when you clicked on it and then thew video showed just how devastating some floods can be. If this hapopened in Dryden im sure that some people thaty live near the lake would be flippin out because theyu dont know it the water will come up to their house in the middle of the day or night and possibly wreck it or just simply flood it.


  19. This is pretty devastating.I am grateful that I dont live where the flooding is.The flooding in Mantioba is really bad, especially all the poor people that live there in which the flood is costing them tons!

    I really couldnt imagine Dryden being flooded it would be terrible.

    -Emily Mary Rose.

  20. I saw a big flood in morris bridge, and you could see on a other side of the road with a flood. All the background was flooded and on the roads.


  21. this is a horrible thing to happen to the people ofwinnipeg and it would be horrible if this happened to dryden. but i do think that it is nice that we can view the flood on webcams.


  22. wow i never new it could get so bad i mean really how do people in winnapeg sleep at night knowing that at any moment it could flood there house



    If that happend where I live, I would probably stay in my house. The flood is causing so much damadge to the community and will cost alot to fix. That link is to a video of a the flood in Winnipeg on the 6th of April ( this month! ). That wasn't very long ago either. -Krissy

  24. The St Jean Baptiste flood was pretty crazy because before it was just a little bit high but now it is over the bridge. It sucks because people on the other side might starve to death because they have nowhere to go unless there is another city close by. If I lived by that bridge I would not like it one bit. I would try to get to the nearest town and tell someone that people there need evacuation.

    -Chase :D

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  27. WOW, I cant belive how much water there is. It's over the bridge those poor people are trapped in there. I don't know what I would do if i was in their postition.. probably freak out. I wonder how long it will be flooded for and how long they will be trapped for?

    Brennan.C :]

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  29. Oh my gosh! when I looked at the St.Jean Baptiste flood... I was completely shocked!I have such a hard time believing such things are happening around the world. When I looked at the webcam video I placed my self into the peoples shoes to see what it would be like. All i can say is I would be in such misery because the people are basically trapped. Their houses could either be destroyed or still trying to hold up a bit longer and being in a place where you have no Food or Clean water and you were basically just trapped. If it would be posible I would try my best to get some help or try to get to the nearest town or city.

    ~ Rebecca

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  31. The force of nature is unbelievable sometimes. Either having to be evacuated from your house or you are trapped, surronded by water. I would not want to leave my house in fear that I may never see it again because the water may destroy it. But I would also not want to stay because that would be risking my life. It is truly sad to hear about and see the chaos the flood is making. It is so bad that people are being killed. I was watching the news one evening and it told a story about a man living in Morris I believe. A road had flooded completly over and he went to drive across it and the water flipped his vehicle off the road and he unfortunetly died. This shows that poeple got to be smart and not take life or death risks because nature has a huge power that we can not always control!

  32. You should be surprized! I mean, im only seeing this over a webcam but it still scares me! I'm so thankful this isnt happening in Dryden. The people in Winapig must be scared out of there minds! In the middle of the night or while there at work the water could rise high enought to comeptely flood there homes. :O It's almsot unbleiveable that the water can even get that high.

  33. i can't believe that the water actually gets that deep there. i couldn't imagine living there know that you have a very high chance of flooding every year and lots of your belonging getting ruined.


  34. The floods from the snow melted on the the water made it go over the bridge is just amazing. but it would suck if the only way home is through that way(Just saying). But these floods are pretty cool.8P

    Calvin Brown A.K.A(King Poppa)

  35. Even if it does happen every year it is still surprising and dangerous! I couldn't even begin to imagine how bad it must be living somewhere where there is flooding happening. The one that strikes me the most is the St John Baptiste camera. It is scary to see how the river was before even with the water rising already and then seeing how it is now. It's unbelievable! You wouldn't even be able to walk on the bridge because the water has almost completely covered the whole thing! I would be extremely scared to be living in a place with flooding. I would be worried everyday that things could get worse.
    - Joclyn

  36. I was in Grand Forks, North Dakota about a month ago and i know now that only having been there a couple days must have been a good thing. A few days after I left i was told that the flood had completely engrossed the bridge in water. That bridge was what connected the downtown to the rural housing and highways> if it had flooded while being there we may have been stuck. This is what makes the flood very distructive, simple water, big water, can change a persons regular routine completley. Knowing this, it means many people will not be able to get to the store to get the food you may need to get through the flood, when being evacuated is not an option. It may become costly as you cannot drive to work and this may have other people without you as a resource (depending on workplace) it causes total chaos in many lives year after year, but yet we cnat seem to find any way to change it!


  37. Wow! I watched the St.Jean Baptiste webcam for a bit and then did a little research on other blogs/articals about the flooding. I wonder what people would do if the lake/river flooded here in Dryden?
    I came across a tumblr blog from a girl living close to the river, She's posted pictures and progress reports too! Heres a link to how I found it;
    My heart goes out for all the people who's homes are damaged, among other things because of this. I hope this never happens to the Wabigoon/Dryden lakes, I'd have no idea what to do!


  38. If a flood happeneed in Dryden it would be bad for lots of people who live by the lake. I dont live by one but one of my family members does and it would be really bad forhimif aflood actrually happened in Dryden.


  39. I would absolutely hate to have a flood at our house. We also live right by a creek which doesn't help I don't think it would ever effect us cause were on a hill. And after seeing the effect it has on the places near winnipeg it worries me that dryden might flood.


  40. Wow i have never thought alot about the flooding until now, because I was thinking what would it be like if that had happend in Dryden it would be soo Horrible to see the water go in our house anbd ruin everything. I would not be able to sleep at night knowing somewhere is getting a flood. I can't image what would if we got it in Dryden


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  42. could not imagine this happening in dryden! When i went to winnipeg last weekend, I saw a feild by the arena but actually looked like a lake because the trees were almost completly underwater. Everywhere you went there were sand bags trying to keep the water from going into the buildings. It must be horrible for people to go through this.
    - lyndsey

  43. The St. Jean Baptiste cam is the worst, by far. You can really see how much the water has risen, compared to that of when the flooding first started. It's rather hard to believe that this is happening so close to here. It would be pretty scary, not being able to cross that bridge, or go anywhere because the whole bridge was flooded.
    - danessa

  44. I think that it would really suck for that to happen to us. Losing all of our belongings, Losing our house and possibly losing our jobs (If we have one). Im glad that we don't have all that flooding in Dryden.


  45. I see some of you are even thinking about the economic consequences... the damage to the community and cost to fix it or even if you lose your job because where you work is no longer there due to the flood. I wonder how people clean up after a flood? What damage would they find once the waters receeded? See if you can find out. Also post some links if you find good pics.

    -- this is a website about a past flood that happened waaaay back in 1997 when we were born!! :D It's funny because like... it happened at around the same time that this flood is happening but it was way worse and got further into the big city of winnipeg. Imagine not being able to go back to your house because the flood blocks the way to it. That would SUCK!!!

    wyatt :D

  47. Check out the picture in today's Winnipeg Sun (April 29) under Manitoba... it is amazing!

  48. I agree with wyatt that would really suck. Like how you might have school and you miss it that wouldn't be good. ;)

  49. I agree with you wyatt because if I couldnt get home, it would be depressing.
