Friday, April 29, 2011

Flood Reaching its Highest!

I found a picture and article on the cbc website, , the picture at the top looks like this town is an island!  In the article it says that roads were barricaded, and then completely closed because of the flooding.  I can't imagine having no roads!  There also is a picture at the bottom of this article of a house that is surrounded by the flood, and it looks like it's stranded!  I don't know if the people are still living in that house because it would be VERY hard to live in it sinse you can't really go ANYWHERE.  The roads to get to the house are basically completely underwater, you could probably make it to the driveway, and then you'd be starting to submerge in the water!  I'm so glad I'm not living in a flood because i don't even know what I would do!

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