Friday, April 29, 2011

hello fellow classmates!
I found this website on Google, it shows the water increase from extreme flooding , Its disturbing to actually see the statistics in colour and image. It makes it alot easier to understand. I dont think i was aware of the actual danger manitobans face every year in spring! The first picture was of the water and lake at a regular level (they are marked with a blue patch) and the second was the increase due to flooding, it completely insnane, not to mention destructive. If I lived in manitoba during flood i dont know if i would stay. It is ugly looking, murky water flooding streets and bridges. It is also a complete waste of land, waterlogged and constantly moving, it cannot be used and will tear away layers of crops. This obviously would never help the econompy either! Take a look and i definately want to know what you thought about these comparisons.
- kristaa <3


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