Friday, April 29, 2011

Flooding in Manitoba! 
When I saw this video i was absolutely shocked! There are so many streets that are closed because they're flooded so much. One picture on the video shows how much the road is actually flooded. Lots of street lights are half way under water. I can't even imagine living in a place where flooding is happening! So many streets are closed so you can't even get to some places. If I was living there and a road was closed that lead to somewhere I really needed to go I would not be too impressed. I bet the people living there are not too happy with so many roads being closed. There is also a picture on the video that shows a garage with the doors open and the water is flooding into it. If I was the person living there I would be extremely mad that my garage and everything in there was getting soaked in water! The people living in these places with flooding must be pretty upset that alll this is happening to them!

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