I would be terrified if I was driving by and i knew that if a single part of the dike broke that i would be flooded and would probably drown. The brave city workers setting up the dies must be scared as well because if one worker messes up then they all are in danger of drowning from the litres upon litres that would be pouring onto the street.
Cam W
Keeping our Heads Above Water
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Free Pool
Imagine you get to go back to your home and you look in your basement and there is 2 feet of water how rattled would you be? I could not imagine the smell of the homes after the mould kicks in. I would be depressed if I saved my money to buy a house then it just gets flooded every year if you live by the flood zone and you have to repair it every year.
Cam W
Cam W
Friday, May 20, 2011
Last weekend I went on a trip to Winnipeg and when I went over the flood way I could not believe how much water there was in it! Also it was very windy thats day so there was white caps everywhere, it was quite a site to see. It looked so deep and we actually had a conversation in the car about how deep it must be. When I saw it I also thought that is what people backyards, streets and parks must look like! Hopefully the flood will be over soon so people wont have to deal with this anymore.
I Thought Only In The Winter The Playground Closes

Just think not too long ago children were screaming with laughter but now all you here is the sigh of disbelief. This is where man and dog would probably play catch until they could barely stand but now all of the lost items that were buried in the ground in hopes somebody would find them now they are probably farther down than ever before.
Money gone to waste!!
This house is very nice I can't really tell because all the water is inside. The house has a nice stuff... in the water most likely cost allot to those people and now it is all going to waste because you will need allot of money to fix the house up and get all new stuff to replace it. I would be so mad if that was my house because allot of people don't have that kind of money(Including me) to fix up my home every year that few years that it is going to happen. How would you feel if you had to do fix your house up after the flood and you just did not have the money? That means after all of the damage is done you will need to get another job just to get every thing done that needs to be done.
I Wanna Go To The (Skate) Water Park

I don't anyone will be shredding tonight or any other night for a long time at that matter. With this rate the whole skate park will be fully underwater in a matter of hours. People must be bummed out because of this because this was most likey like a billion (not really) peoples hang out where they could go to lose some steam, but now they are probably going back more steamed.
Lake?...I think not
I feel sorry for this kangaroo. The reason why is because this kangaroo is probably looking for his or her family and it cant because there is water all around him. The water is where it should not be because this is supose to be a flat surface in a hot area. If you think about all the water and the plants and animals it is killing you almost have to feel sorry for everything in the radius of the water flooding. It almost looks like a lake but really most of it is sand on a flat surface.
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