Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dike opened in Manitoba!

How would you feel if you were told you had to leave your home because there was a possibility of it getting flooded? I know that I would feel terrified at the idea that when it is opened that it could take out my home and land! I understand why they have decided to open the dike because of the high amounts of water, but it is still nerve racking to think that there is a risk and a threat to any ones home. I have found out today that they have opened the dike and so far it has been fairly successful! They have been releasing the water slowly and it has been a controlled release and so far hasn't  flooded any homes. This is estimated to change and flood as many as 150 homes. I feel bad for any people  and farmers that own land that has a chance of getting flooded. In this video it shows what has been done and what they are doing about the dike opening and what is going on.

-Kyla ;)

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