Thursday, May 12, 2011

Is it Fair.. ?

Do you really think its far what thease people are liveing like right from , from what we get?...i think not ! this is not far to me because poeple in Manitoba Winnigeg and Brandon dont deserve this at normally just happens but i think from the damige they get , they should replace that ! ... it is only far if they have what we have...
 this should not be happening to Manitoba or Brandon! no one needs to live like this at all , it has feeling from differnt people and members of familys lost and gone ! just cause of this flood ! think to your self for a momment how would you feel if you where in this proses right now!.....
 in this picture there was a little girl and her dad in the car and as soon as the water raised higher they where no longer alive they where gone and washed away ! ... this is just one needs this .

April Hansson :)

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