Monday, May 16, 2011

What if that was Your House?

How would you like to come back home and see your house half way underwater? I would absoulutly hate it. Buying a house then a few years later seeing it almost completely underwater completely ruined. $100,000 plus down the drain and the cost of what ever you had in your house too. It's not worth the money to live in that area of Manitoba where it floods every year. You have to spend most of your money on renovations on your house and replacing your belongings. I hate spending money but i couldn't imagine spending that much every year, on the same thing. It would be better off to move away or just move to really high ground so that you don't have to worry about the water levels getting up to your house.


1 comment:

  1. I agree, but don't you think that some people might not have the money to do that? They could've thought that their house was flood safe because it was on high ground, but it might not have been high enough ya'know? What do you think you would do if you were short on cash and your house was flooded? I would just try and wait it out. Use the money i have to fix up some of the damage but there's not much more you could do. -Krissy
