Money, money, money. Our whole life revolves around how much we all have. We never really think about it until our family or even homes depend on it. Imagine how the people living in Manitoba feel right now. They must be freaking out thinking about how much the repairs and costs of possibly new homes will affect them. Also they don't know for sure if the government will end up paying for the repairs or not! Do you think that you would able to manage the stress of thinking about what will end up happening to your home thats in the route of the flood? Not only that but also having to think about how you are going to be able to pay for all these repairs and trying fix all the damages! I know that I wouldn't be able to! On the news last night I saw this poor man talking about how he just moved into his home not too long ago. He has a wife and a couple two year olds, and his house is suppose to be the second to be hit by the flood. I felt really bad for him because he mentioned that if his house gets wrecked then that means he will have to go throught the same process of fixing up the house like he did a couple months ago when he first moved into the house. Not only that but in the meantime he had struggles trying to find a place for his family to stay, and he needed a good place that some two year olds could run around in. Imagine how much this whole process will cost this man! I feel really bad for him and hope that everything works out.
People say that money isn't everything, but other than family and friends, what do we really have without it?
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