Last night on the news, I saw the that they are going to open one of the dikes and flood over 100 farms and houses so they can save over 800 homes. I know this seems like a logic thing to do, but if you look at it from the perspectives of the farmers, whos houses are going to be be sacrificed, it seems like it would be pretty unfair! Especially when they were given only one day to pack up and get out. Can you imagine?! "Hey, were going to destroy your home tonight, pack up your whole life and get out!" If i were one of those farmers I would feel so angry, because of how it would effect my economically. The damages would cost millions of dollars, the government is not going to give anyone money for the damages! Not to mention that environmentally, the land used to farm would not recover for years! Even though this is what is logic, I don't feel this is whats fair!
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