Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Everything- Gone.

Sure, farming can look like fun at times, but it's not all fun and games. Actually, its mostly hard work and for some, its their lives. But most of all, farms aren't only work, but a house. How would you feel if you spent hours and hours working on a report due the next day for school, and overnight your computer crashed and lost all your hard work? Or, you accidentally left your stove on overnight and your house burnt down? Not very good right? Well when water over floods a farm, not only does it kill there work and food, it takes over there houses also. And it isn't like you are capable of re-building your farm within days, especially with that much water damage. Ever heard of three strikes, your out? Well this case is different. Your crops, your work, and your life all washed out in one strike. It is estimated to cost approximately five billion dollars to regain all of the work you lost. Where are you supposed to get that kind of money when all of you're merchandise was taken away? It also takes about six years, and face it, how is one supposed to pay bills for a house they don't even have? It just isnt worth it, and it isn't fair.

- Lyndsey :)


  1. I would be so frustrated if I owened a farm and it was washed away, I would have to pay for everything (which would be very expensive), wait years for my crops and everything to dry up and be ready to use again and it would leave me without a job and I would have no way to earn money so I would get sick and starve. I feel bad for the farmers who have to start from strach and wait and pay a lot.

  2. I would be mad and sad but there is nothing i can do to stop anything. for example: you can stop the rain. you cant stop the snow and ECT. but what im saying is that when something start you cant stop it.

