Saturday, May 14, 2011

The water continues on its flood route.....

It's really scary to think that right at this moment there is water spreading across Manitoba and is heading towards homes. People have been doing some last minute sand bagging and some have even left their houses to assure their families safety.

How would you feel if you were just hours away from having your home flooded or damaged and knowing that there's nothing you can do about it. I think that people have really underestimated how strong and affective the water can be.  I hope that after this issue has passed that we can all learn from it and be as prepared as possible.
Something that has been bothering me is wondering about what will happen if this flooding of 150 homes doesn't work as affectively as they want it to? I want to know what else they can do, I mean they can't just keep flooding areas it would cause way too much damage. I think that at the moment all we can do is wait and hope that this issue will pass.

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