Friday, May 20, 2011

The Clean-up

Could you imagine being one of the many people who have to help clean up the mess this flood made!? like it goes through garbage dumps and it's all polluted and contaminated. Imagine how far it would spread because the water goes where ever it wants because it's so powerful, carrying all the garbage and pollution it picked up on it's way and spreading it into a bunch of water systems and polluting them also. Obviously, if you really think about it, these floods could be even worse than it is now and go into other water systems and maybe pollute a towns water like walkerton's tragedy. About the same thing could happen but hopefully the town's commitee would admit to the town's water being polluted/contaminated so that it doesn't kill people. But every year this happens, there's probably this big clean-up and it must be gross. I feel bad for the people who has to pick it all up.
-Wyatt :D

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