A car almost half way under water |
Wouldn't this suck?!? It looks like a car drove off the road into the lake but really the car is on the road and the car didn't go off the road into a lake... the water came to the car. What a twist! It's hard to believe that problems and tragedies happen like this in real life either where you live or somewhere across the world even though you don't live by the town/ city its still extremely frightening to see or hear about on the news... don't you think so? I know I do. Picture you in the vehical how scary would it be if you were sitting in the car and the waves start drifting you seomwhere else and you can't get out? What would you do... you could not really do anything even if you tried the pressure of the waves would have so much impact that you would not be able to get out and to be honest even though its not the best thing to say but you would be dead. Kind of scary just thinking about it, really.
I completely agree with you Rebecca! If I was sitting there in that car I'd be terrified !! I would be thinking about my family and friends, because you might not have said bye before you left the house. I wouldn't want to leave the house knowing there is a chance of not seeing my loved ones again. Especailly if the person in the car was the only person in the family that had a job. It would be hard to feed the family because it would be INCREDIBLY hard to get a job when buisnesses have to pay for the water damages instead of paying someone new and having to train them. -Krissy