Just imagine. Your house and every grocery store in town have just been destroyed. Plus you just lost your job and your trying to find a place to stay while your house gets rebuilt. That's a horrible thought isn't it. Well that's what the farmers that got their farms destroyed due to the Red River flooding feel. Their way of living has to change now due to this flood and they will never be the same for a very long time. They work so hard on getting their crops the way they were then it was all gone. Washed away like chalk art on the sidewalk after a rainy day. All their hard work gone and they are left to start all over again. How would you feel if that was your farm and your house shown in the picture above. And that was all your hard work washed away. But this, this is different then chalk washed away on the sidewalk. The damages left on that farm will take years to fix and millions of dollars lost. Is it really worth it to live there when year after year the Red River is just going to over flow again? I don't think so.
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