Notice the man in the water. Dangerous! |
Is the flood safe? Can it hurt me? Why is the flood dangerous? Will the travelling garbage cause illness? Travelling garbage, lets start with that. In true reality you would have never even think of the term as a health problem, but as the biggest flood of three centuries is upon us so is the pollution and devastation and last but not least possible illness! As the water travels through various parts of Manitoba it has decided to drag something within it along. Can you guess? Mhmmmm, GARBAGE. Our years worth of plastic and diapers, along with glass and bug infested rotten food as well as gas cans and chemical chlorides. Are you aware of our disgusting habits yet? Well those are the habits that could get us very ill. Hepatitis B as well as various flues can be easing itself throughout the large body and if in contact you may end up from a disease to a basic cold. Not to mention, that water is below freezing temperature, hypothermia is also a large possibility if an accidental fall was to occur. This reminds me of the man outside of Morris that was on his way home when he was pushed towards the ditch, after being pulled underneath this massive water he became trapped in the cab of his truck and we've lost another life to a flood. Notice the colour of the water surrounding them. Its not blue, its brown. The health hazards are quite endless but our carelessness will be the only thing to bring those hazards to us. !
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