Note the garbage and litter in the water. |
As the water levels have risen and are still rising the flood is putting a lot of stress on the environment. As you can see in the first picture there is garbage all in the water surrounding the guy`s home. Imagine how much garbage is going to be all over the place once the water recedes. The flood picks up everyones loose items and then takes them with the current. I am sure people have left out oil and chemicals and the waters currents have taken them away. That means chemicals being dumped into the water that is going to flow back into the river. Thus causing harm to the ecosystem. There has been a warning for people to not go in or touch the the water in the Mississippi River because it has been greatly contaminated. Therefore if the water gets in any open cuts or sores you will become sick. This shows how much damage the flood can do to the environment. Also in the second photo there is a beaver sitting on the dyke. His home most likely destroyed by the flood. Along with many, many other animal`s habitats demolished. Just like humans they will have to re-build their homes. Some animals may have been swept away and killed too. Flooding does not only harm humans and their houses and properties, but also the environment and animals. Imagine being a little fellow like that beaver. Stuck in the middle of the flood. Finding his safety sitting on a dyke. Maybe his family has been washed away and killed. Small and helpless at the moment. How would you feel? I feel sorry for all those people facing the floods rage. But I also feel sorry for the animals going through it as well. No focus being put on them and their situations. As they go up against the harsh flood too. ~Chelsea
If I were that beaver i would feel lonely, sad and scared because they have no home, it looks like he is all alone without his family. The picture also makes me think about little kids that have lost their homes and families to the flood. Where will the go? What will they do? These are some of the question that I thought of when I saw the picture.
ReplyDelete~Brennan :]
This flood must be horrible for the animals because all there homes have been flooded just like the peoples. If you think about it they have it just as bad as us because they have to rebuild their homes just like us, find another food source becuase their's would be washed out and they might be all alone because they have no more family due to the flood waashing them away