Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where would you stay?

So all this talk about breaking the dike, and peoples homes being wrecked.  One question i have is where do the (at one point) homeowners go? I'm sure they have shelters set up for them, but what about families with little children, that want to run around, and play... do they just have to stay inside with all the other families?  And even after the flood, the homes are destroyed, so the homeowners are without a home for more than just the flood... where do they go?  It doesn't just take a day to rebuild a house, or find a new home.  Sure, they could stay with relatives; unless their homes are also destroyed, or they don't have any relatives in their area.  And if they did have relatives, they might not want a family with maybe little children living with them for a long time, because who knows how long it will take to repair their home, or find a new one.  How long can a shelter hold families for?  After homes are wiped out from the flood, you'd think there would be a lot of families needing a place to stay for a long amount of time.  So where do you think they stay?

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