Monday, May 16, 2011

Losing your house is like losing someone close to you...

After a major flood

Is it just me or does this look like a junk yard for unwanted things? I can't believe that this is what a town looks like after a flood hit and then left. So far on the blogs we have seen either a show of a flood and what it looks like
when it hits and what the inside of a house looks like after a flood but what about how it looks after the flood came and gone. If you look at the picture you can see garbage, broken cars and parts of a house or store once it is destroyed by the flooding and rotting the wood which then collapses shattering the house or store.  You can see also in the picture that not all the water has dried up it still leaves remains of the water behind until the sun drys it up. Picture yourself in this town and your walking the streets and you look to your left and see a pile of cars, garbage and building pieces  scattered around and people put signs up around to tell you to be aware of glass chunks and nails so no one ends up getting hurt. Or imagine you are the owner of that house which once stood tall and helped put a roof over your head and your families and it was a place to get together with friends and family. how much pain and misery do you think you would be in? You knowing that if your house is rebuilt it is not ever going to be the same as before. Losing your house is almost like losing the ones close to you... why? Because the ones close to you help take care of you, make sure your warm and not ever going to go hungry and  keep you under their wings. Your own house is exactly the same, you grew up there and the house kept you warm and safe and helped prevent things from going all wrong.


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