Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Success in our Society

All those poor people in Manitoba.

We go to school, we go to university/college and then after that people work everyday, just to have enough to live with the basic nessasaties. What about these poor people in Manitoba, who have lost all of there possesions? They have worked all there lives to have what they have now, and it is being harshly destroyed by the flood? I dont think this is fair at all, and I know, not all things are fair. If I were a Manitobian, I would be extremely mad because all I would have ever worked for would have a high chance of being destroyed! I feel lots of sympathy for these people.Also I feel bad, because are society bases our sucsess on wealth and fortune! How are these people ever going to be considered "sucessful", especially how todays society views it?!!? I sure hope the goverment does, help assist in some sort of financial aid, for these poor people, to assist, in them 'bouncing back' , to normalness.

If only we could find a way to help them!


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