Friday, May 20, 2011

Are we gonna learn anything?

All of us Canadians, espesially the one's around winnipeg, know that these big floods are gonna happen every year but it's it's always, "Oh my gosh the flood is coming the flood is coming!" and then everyone is freaking out and yet they could be A LOT more prepared for this flood every year. It's like they procrastinate this problem until it gets really big so that they get on the news or something. And another thing.... If people know that a big flood comes every year and it could get bigger and bigger every year.. why do they live in such an un-safe environment? Like, honestly, if your so scared of the flood and such, why don't you move away from there? How come so many people have lived there their whole lives and maybe they suffer all that money every year because of the yearly flood that they still can not control somehiw, with all the technology we have today they can't invent something amazing to stop it. But that's just my thoughts, I'm sure they have their reasons to do things.


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