Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Washing Away More than Just a House..

Government- A group of representatives who make decisions. A team in which includes everyone. The people you trust with your community. But what happens when decisions get too hard? When the team doesnt include everyone? What happens when all of your trust - is gone? Devistation struck when the Government of Manitoba chose to save eight hundred houses, and let the other one hundred and fifty fade. The decision they made was difficult but it was also morally wrong. How would you feel if you, or the people you love, were washed away like yesterday's hop scotch? The water invaded their homes and their personal lives. How do you expect all one hundred and fifty house owners to fix their houses. The process is painful and takes a lot of time. Not every one of them are rocket scientests you know! That day, the water not only washed away their houses and money, it also washed away their trust. And unlike hop scotch, you can't just re-draw their trust the next day.

- Lyndsey :)

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