Monday, May 16, 2011

Flooding Houses to Keep Houses Save.

Now, there going to flood houses to save more houses! Wow! How mad I would be if I were to live in a house the was going to be flooded. I would not be to happy with the people who's houses that aren't going to be flooded and having to find a place to live. Buying a new home, MONEY, MONEY! How would you feel if you were told that your house was going to be flooded to save other houses?


  1. I would be very agrivated! From what we've heard so far the goverment isn't even planning on helping out the houses that are being destroyed. Are the other houses more important? If they think they are so smart for coming up with that "amazing idea", why can't they come up with a way to get rid of the water without destroying other residence's houses?! I think it's not fair AT ALL! Like, I understand that it may cost the town money but it would also cost the people that live there their houses. With the prices these days not alot of people will be able to afford something like this. -Krissy

  2. I would be extremely mad, especially how the goverment didnt say that the people who's houses are going to be flooded, may get compensation! I would be mad, because... I am preety sure no one wants there house to be flooded, ESPECIALLY, with the cost of living these days!

    ~emilymary C:
