Monday, May 16, 2011

Controlled Flood- Controlled Anger?

Can you believe how high this water is!? This is outrageous! I believe the controlled flood  was a great decision, but some accepts of it really ticked me off! First they said it would be 8:00am, then by 12:00pm, then the next Saturday, they need to get a hold on things! They are telling people one thing and doing another! Besides them changing the timing over, and over, I thought the controlled flood was an excellent decision! If I was one of the 100 homes who got destroyed, I think i would do this..
A lot of people are not thinking when it comes to these floods! They could simply protect there homes with sandbags but choose not too! Most of the people were not thinking and let there homes flood, but the controlled flood only let about 100 homes flood to save about 800! It retrospect, that's a great deal!-Flooding a few, to save ALLOT! I mean, if I was one of the unlucky hundred, I would be LIVID!, but I would be ecstatic that I'm saving over 10 communities! I just hope the government is ready to pay for the water damage to all those homes!


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