Dike Break Postponed Again?!?!?!?!?!?!
Listening to the news lately, I have heard that they are now postponing the dike break until Satrurday morning. Why keep waiting?! Are they waiting for the dike to break on its own? Or for the water to gain more pressure and rise higher? Why not just break it now, because if they don't, I have a feeling that the dike may break all by itself. If the dike breaks that will cause more damage and the houses they are trying to save will be destroyed as well.
The sandbagging that residents are doing will help some of the homes but the ones that are supposed to be saved will become completely destroyed. The houses that are supposed to be safe from the raging waters can't 100% be assured that their house won't be affected.
There is one question that really beats me. How in the world are they going to close where they are breaking the dikes? Considering how fast that water is moving, there is no possible way for them to close it! The water is moving so fast that either someone will get hurt closing the dikes or they will flood more than the intended area.
eriiiiin :D
I know! this is so intense! If this is causing anxiety for us, imagine how the people who will one way or another be affected. The one thing that really puzzles me, is what is someone gets injured, or dies? This is the flood of the century! I really want to know what the government will do if this backfires, and thousands of homes get destroyed. Thats not going to result in happy people. Can't wait to see what happens. eeeeeek!