I would be terrified if I was driving by and i knew that if a single part of the dike broke that i would be flooded and would probably drown. The brave city workers setting up the dies must be scared as well because if one worker messes up then they all are in danger of drowning from the litres upon litres that would be pouring onto the street.
Cam W
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Free Pool
Imagine you get to go back to your home and you look in your basement and there is 2 feet of water how rattled would you be? I could not imagine the smell of the homes after the mould kicks in. I would be depressed if I saved my money to buy a house then it just gets flooded every year if you live by the flood zone and you have to repair it every year.
Cam W
Cam W
Friday, May 20, 2011
Last weekend I went on a trip to Winnipeg and when I went over the flood way I could not believe how much water there was in it! Also it was very windy thats day so there was white caps everywhere, it was quite a site to see. It looked so deep and we actually had a conversation in the car about how deep it must be. When I saw it I also thought that is what people backyards, streets and parks must look like! Hopefully the flood will be over soon so people wont have to deal with this anymore.
I Thought Only In The Winter The Playground Closes

Just think not too long ago children were screaming with laughter but now all you here is the sigh of disbelief. This is where man and dog would probably play catch until they could barely stand but now all of the lost items that were buried in the ground in hopes somebody would find them now they are probably farther down than ever before.
Money gone to waste!!
This house is very nice I can't really tell because all the water is inside. The house has a nice stuff... in the water most likely cost allot to those people and now it is all going to waste because you will need allot of money to fix the house up and get all new stuff to replace it. I would be so mad if that was my house because allot of people don't have that kind of money(Including me) to fix up my home every year that few years that it is going to happen. How would you feel if you had to do fix your house up after the flood and you just did not have the money? That means after all of the damage is done you will need to get another job just to get every thing done that needs to be done.
I Wanna Go To The (Skate) Water Park

I don't anyone will be shredding tonight or any other night for a long time at that matter. With this rate the whole skate park will be fully underwater in a matter of hours. People must be bummed out because of this because this was most likey like a billion (not really) peoples hang out where they could go to lose some steam, but now they are probably going back more steamed.
Lake?...I think not
I feel sorry for this kangaroo. The reason why is because this kangaroo is probably looking for his or her family and it cant because there is water all around him. The water is where it should not be because this is supose to be a flat surface in a hot area. If you think about all the water and the plants and animals it is killing you almost have to feel sorry for everything in the radius of the water flooding. It almost looks like a lake but really most of it is sand on a flat surface.
Three little piggies and the big bad flood!!!!
When I saw these three little piggies I immediately thought, where are there owners??? Are they dead in there house?? Are they trying to save these little guys??? Or did they just completely abandon them them when they needed them the most?? All these thoughts just popped into my head at the same time. Many animals are losing there homes all because of the stupid floods. But what I'm also wondering is, how did the pigs get up on top of the piece of roof there on? I never knew pigs could swim and i don't think they were put up there. So many questions so little answers!!!
-Jason Wall ;)
$$$ All about Money! $$
If Manitoba floods every year, causing flood damages, what is the point in living there?
I really dont see one, because I am pretty sure no one likes throwing money out the window, especially in todays economy. Maybe, these people live there because they have family, has sentimental value or other reasons. I really don think it would be the smartest place to live, because the cost of flooding is tons! I guess, if people like throwing there money away, its okay for them to live in a place like Manitoba.
I really dont see one, because I am pretty sure no one likes throwing money out the window, especially in todays economy. Maybe, these people live there because they have family, has sentimental value or other reasons. I really don think it would be the smartest place to live, because the cost of flooding is tons! I guess, if people like throwing there money away, its okay for them to live in a place like Manitoba.
How High is The Water?
Look at the water levels in the diagram above, man didnt the Great Flood of 1882 get the best of Brandon eh. Were lucky we dont leave somewhere, where it floods every year but most years its no this bad. But this year the flood is about as high as the The Great of 1882, but back then I dont think there was that much people. So the water didnt come as polluted as it is now because we have cars and more people which make more manuer, more car (which have gas and oil), and more garbage since we have factories that produce products. This flood is only off my like a meter of the flood of 1882 and they knew that there was going to be a flood this year, but they didnt know it was going to be this out of controll. Did they?
The Clean-up
Could you imagine being one of the many people who have to help clean up the mess this flood made!? like it goes through garbage dumps and it's all polluted and contaminated. Imagine how far it would spread because the water goes where ever it wants because it's so powerful, carrying all the garbage and pollution it picked up on it's way and spreading it into a bunch of water systems and polluting them also. Obviously, if you really think about it, these floods could be even worse than it is now and go into other water systems and maybe pollute a towns water like walkerton's tragedy. About the same thing could happen but hopefully the town's commitee would admit to the town's water being polluted/contaminated so that it doesn't kill people. But every year this happens, there's probably this big clean-up and it must be gross. I feel bad for the people who has to pick it all up.
-Wyatt :D
-Wyatt :D
Every Year
Imagine having to deal with this flood every year without being able to completely save your home. I would not want to live any where near the river because the freezing water would come into your home every year. Imagine having to evacuate every single year or else you will be flooded and could be injured in your home.
I bet this is the happiest duck in the world with all the more swimmiing space but at the peoples home expense.
Cam W
Are we gonna learn anything?
All of us Canadians, espesially the one's around winnipeg, know that these big floods are gonna happen every year but it's it's always, "Oh my gosh the flood is coming the flood is coming!" and then everyone is freaking out and yet they could be A LOT more prepared for this flood every year. It's like they procrastinate this problem until it gets really big so that they get on the news or something. And another thing.... If people know that a big flood comes every year and it could get bigger and bigger every year.. why do they live in such an un-safe environment? Like, honestly, if your so scared of the flood and such, why don't you move away from there? How come so many people have lived there their whole lives and maybe they suffer all that money every year because of the yearly flood that they still can not control somehiw, with all the technology we have today they can't invent something amazing to stop it. But that's just my thoughts, I'm sure they have their reasons to do things.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Floods Pollute Water Systems
Did you know floods don't just destroy homes and buildings, cover roads and stop people from getting where they want to go? They also pollute water systems. How you ask? Well, do you know what farmers have in their crops. Pesticides, and when the farm lands become flooded, all of the pesticides are in the water. Once the water flows back into large bodies of water all of the pesticides go with it. Once it enters the water systems all of the fish are living in the pesticides. Over time this could very well kill them. Although floods don't occur often in most places, the do happen. And we need to be prepared.
- Jenna
- Jenna
No Solution to the Pollution.
As the water runs through our parks, houses, companies and workplaces it drags somethign else along with it. Lets take a guess, shall we? Its gargbage and chemical floating amoungst the great body of water, but can we fix it? Can we filter it, use it, reuse it? The answer is no. When the water runs through a landfill or companies it's chemicals and pollutance densely corrupts the body of water from blue to brown. Event the farmers around manitoba have a great impact on the way the water turns for the worst, even small amounts of pesticide can do major damage. I wish we could reuse it, for our water is depleteing at an even more rapid pace then usual. The polluted water cannot be treated, for the chemicals churning inside may make people ill or cause disease. Also amoung the ranks is human and animal fecies and urine! How can you say.... Gross?
A bit late don't you think?
This guy is a bit late to save his home by using sandbags. He looks like he is the average height and he has to use hip waders and carry the sand bag over his shoulder to get to where he wants to go. I am actually not sure if he is bringing the sand bag to his house or not but it sure looks like it.If he is he must have a long way to go unless there is a big hill right there. I wonder if he had the sands bags up by his house but then the current of the dikes carried them away and he is trying to get them back. But what ever he is still too late then. If I was him I would not even worry about them and leave them where they are. He does look pretty determined though so he must really want to save something that he has.
No more swimming for me :(
As you can see in the picture above, this poor dog can not get to his home anymore because the flood is in the way. He looks soooo sad! With his tail down and head down. It looks as though he tried to swim home because of his wet-looking fur but that might be just me. Imagine if you were the dog and you had no home to go to, would you be sad like him, or would you be the smart one to go try and find food?
Imagine if this was your house being flooded, how would you feel? I would feel sad that everything I have .. went in the water. Things will start to feel different because the flood ruined the whole city / town. Where would you go if it got flooded? I would probably go to another place where my relatives are at. People buy a lot of sand bags to block the flood. That would cost more than 100 thousand dollars just to block the roads.
- Angel Mc.
- Angel Mc.
Look A Rainbow!!!!
This is going to happen to Brandon because of all the cars that went under the water and the gas will soon leak out or if not it has already. The water in Brandon is going to be contaminated and theres nothing can really do about it exept sit back and watch the colors go down the river. Also there is going to all that sewage in the water and we cant really do anything about that either because theres is going to be lots of gas, oil, manure, and garbage in the lake and the garbage it still going to take long to clean up. So, everybody is pretty much going to have to sit back and watch pretty rainbows all day.
^ this is the floodgates in Louisiana of the raging waters of the Mississippi River
Thoudands upon thousands of homes are bieng destroyed because of the opening of the floodgates in Louisiana. Families are bieng forced from their homes only just to watch their whole life go down the drain.
^ above is the link to a picture of what once was farming land but is now covered in water, accept for where the house is surrounded by sandbags. as you can also see water is seeping through the sandbags and throughout the yard.
Many people sre suffering through the devestation of losing their homes to water and this is a big deal all over the U.S. Many floods have started this year but from what I've seen, this is one of the worst.
Anyone Wanna Go Swimming?
Look how high the water is. That sign has to be at least 6 or 7 feet high. So if you think if the sign is there, there has to be a lake 50 yards away or something. Right, the water is supposed to be in the lake and thats probrably down hill so the water had to have risen like 10-15 feet of water. I wonder if any of that water got into the houses that are not covered by dikes and sandbags, if not all that water is going to destroy the house. Even when the water is gone the house is still going to be no good because of all the mold the water is going to leave. Would you swim in the water?
With the all the floods all over the place it will cause a whole bunch of pollution. If it floods an are that had a garbage dump is right beside the current of the water would carry the garbage with the water through your yard and into our water systems. That garbage would also kill the wildlife if it enters the lake fish could get trapped or if they tried eating it and it doesn't go down right. This would not be gould instead of one big pile of garbage it would be scattered all over the flooded area.
Josh O
Josh O
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Washed Away
Just imagine. Your house and every grocery store in town have just been destroyed. Plus you just lost your job and your trying to find a place to stay while your house gets rebuilt. That's a horrible thought isn't it. Well that's what the farmers that got their farms destroyed due to the Red River flooding feel. Their way of living has to change now due to this flood and they will never be the same for a very long time. They work so hard on getting their crops the way they were then it was all gone. Washed away like chalk art on the sidewalk after a rainy day. All their hard work gone and they are left to start all over again. How would you feel if that was your farm and your house shown in the picture above. And that was all your hard work washed away. But this, this is different then chalk washed away on the sidewalk. The damages left on that farm will take years to fix and millions of dollars lost. Is it really worth it to live there when year after year the Red River is just going to over flow again? I don't think so.
seeing my house like this hahaha no way i would hate to see my house like this. would you like to see your house like that? And anyway these houses look like they were a lot of money. SCARY!!! because if this flood in a day and if you didn't know you would die like in a flash.
If my house would of flood in a couple week i would be sad and angry but there is nothing we or you or me can do about it. Like this saying: "when the roads are bumpy wait until you get over the one big hill it will all smooth out!"
no job no money no house
this poor guy is valiantly trying to save his family by going through the water although there probaliy is no bisnusse he is still trying his best to get money to keep his house this flood shows you how much mother nature can be creul
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Success in our Society
All those poor people in Manitoba.
We go to school, we go to university/college and then after that people work everyday, just to have enough to live with the basic nessasaties. What about these poor people in Manitoba, who have lost all of there possesions? They have worked all there lives to have what they have now, and it is being harshly destroyed by the flood? I dont think this is fair at all, and I know, not all things are fair. If I were a Manitobian, I would be extremely mad because all I would have ever worked for would have a high chance of being destroyed! I feel lots of sympathy for these people.Also I feel bad, because are society bases our sucsess on wealth and fortune! How are these people ever going to be considered "sucessful", especially how todays society views it?!!? I sure hope the goverment does, help assist in some sort of financial aid, for these poor people, to assist, in them 'bouncing back' , to normalness.
If only we could find a way to help them!
We go to school, we go to university/college and then after that people work everyday, just to have enough to live with the basic nessasaties. What about these poor people in Manitoba, who have lost all of there possesions? They have worked all there lives to have what they have now, and it is being harshly destroyed by the flood? I dont think this is fair at all, and I know, not all things are fair. If I were a Manitobian, I would be extremely mad because all I would have ever worked for would have a high chance of being destroyed! I feel lots of sympathy for these people.Also I feel bad, because are society bases our sucsess on wealth and fortune! How are these people ever going to be considered "sucessful", especially how todays society views it?!!? I sure hope the goverment does, help assist in some sort of financial aid, for these poor people, to assist, in them 'bouncing back' , to normalness.
If only we could find a way to help them!
When Will the Suffering Stop?
One day you go to the store to buy a load full of new groceries. And the next day, your week's worth of groceries, along with every other possessions you own, are gone and they're not coming back. Your house- gone. Most people in Manitoba go to their houses to get away from the rain and thunder... but what happens when they can't? Where do they go when their house and everything they know suddenly comes tumbling down? The worst part is, the tragedy doesn't stop here. People in Manitoba have to work all day, and all night for years to regain everything they have lost. People just like you are suffering. You go to school each and every day and work your hearts out, and you come home to a heated house. But what happens to those who no longer have one due to a disaster which wasn't supposed to happen, at least not to them. It's time to stop the suffer.
- Lyndsey :)
- Lyndsey :)
Washing Away More than Just a House..
Government- A group of representatives who make decisions. A team in which includes everyone. The people you trust with your community. But what happens when decisions get too hard? When the team doesnt include everyone? What happens when all of your trust - is gone? Devistation struck when the Government of Manitoba chose to save eight hundred houses, and let the other one hundred and fifty fade. The decision they made was difficult but it was also morally wrong. How would you feel if you, or the people you love, were washed away like yesterday's hop scotch? The water invaded their homes and their personal lives. How do you expect all one hundred and fifty house owners to fix their houses. The process is painful and takes a lot of time. Not every one of them are rocket scientests you know! That day, the water not only washed away their houses and money, it also washed away their trust. And unlike hop scotch, you can't just re-draw their trust the next day.
- Lyndsey :)
- Lyndsey :)
Everything- Gone.
Sure, farming can look like fun at times, but it's not all fun and games. Actually, its mostly hard work and for some, its their lives. But most of all, farms aren't only work, but a house. How would you feel if you spent hours and hours working on a report due the next day for school, and overnight your computer crashed and lost all your hard work? Or, you accidentally left your stove on overnight and your house burnt down? Not very good right? Well when water over floods a farm, not only does it kill there work and food, it takes over there houses also. And it isn't like you are capable of re-building your farm within days, especially with that much water damage. Ever heard of three strikes, your out? Well this case is different. Your crops, your work, and your life all washed out in one strike. It is estimated to cost approximately five billion dollars to regain all of the work you lost. Where are you supposed to get that kind of money when all of you're merchandise was taken away? It also takes about six years, and face it, how is one supposed to pay bills for a house they don't even have? It just isnt worth it, and it isn't fair.
- Lyndsey :)
OMG!! and My Dream House is Gone

Imagine if this was your home. Now what do you think about this picture? I can't believe that it sunk in. What if there was people in that home. They would be dead or extremly hurt. This is sad to see, I can't believe it. If i lived there i would be crying , just think how much money you would have to spend to fix it all?. If this was my home i would be moving right then and there. It would be better to buy a new house then to fix the old one. What if we seen this in our town. what would you do? I would like i said move right then and there to some were it doesn't flood year after year. Do you agree?
The Street

Destination Disaster
This picture really stood out to me because of how many people are taking risks to get to their destination. I don't think people understand how much danger they're putting themselves in. I was told that a man was killed because when he was driving on the road, that looked like this image, he was caught in the current and it pulled him into the deep water and he drowned. After hearing this story I started realizing how much people have to watch their surroundings, even as simple as going to the store.
- lyndsey :)
- lyndsey :)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Controlled Flood- Controlled Anger?
Can you believe how high this water is!? This is outrageous! I believe the controlled flood was a great decision, but some accepts of it really ticked me off! First they said it would be 8:00am, then by 12:00pm, then the next Saturday, they need to get a hold on things! They are telling people one thing and doing another! Besides them changing the timing over, and over, I thought the controlled flood was an excellent decision! If I was one of the 100 homes who got destroyed, I think i would do this..
A lot of people are not thinking when it comes to these floods! They could simply protect there homes with sandbags but choose not too! Most of the people were not thinking and let there homes flood, but the controlled flood only let about 100 homes flood to save about 800! It retrospect, that's a great deal!-Flooding a few, to save ALLOT! I mean, if I was one of the unlucky hundred, I would be LIVID!, but I would be ecstatic that I'm saving over 10 communities! I just hope the government is ready to pay for the water damage to all those homes!
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