Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Do They Manage?!

The flooding in Manitoba is really getting bad! How much worse can it get?! If it does get worse I don't know how the people there are going to be able to deal with things. I don't even know how they're managing with how high the water is now! This picture shows some one's yard with some one walking their dog and you can only see the little strip of the road. If I was that person walking their dog I would be scared out of my mind that the weather could get windy and cause the water to get wavy! If it did it could create a current so powerful it could take me and my dog with it! I would personally be too scared to even dare taking a walk on such a small strip of road surrounded by so much water!

I would also be extremely scared if I was the person living in the house! The yard is completely surrounded by water. If I lived in that house I would take my valuables and move out right away! I wonder if the people who actually live there did move out? Maybe they didn't though because maybe they don;t have enough money to get a different place, or maybe that house has been in the family for generations and generations. Maybe they will try and find a way to protect their house from water damage.


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