Friday, May 6, 2011

Money Dosen't Grow On Trees!

HOLY MAN! Will these floods ever end? It''s unbelievable how high the water actually gets, and even more shocking is how much money it will take to repair the damages from the floods! This is happening every year, and everyone is evacuating their homes while the ice and water ruins their homes. Think about when they get back when the water is done destroying everything, how much will it cost to repair everything? Thousand there, hundreds here.. EVERY YEAR! The people of Winnipeg KNOW this is going to happen, but they don't take any action! Over the years they've probably spent millions on water damage alone! My question is why dont they build the roads higher? Why don't they build homes where the floods cant reach? Why do they let these floods catch and carry off pieces of peoples homes, cars as well as their money?! Over the years these floods must have cost the people of Winnipeg millions! WHY DONT THEY HELP PREVENT THE DAMAGE?!?! Money doesn't grow on trees you know!
-f.d (:♥

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