Sunday, May 8, 2011

I couldn't imagine living in that house. It has actually become an island. I wonder what they will do if the water keeps getting higher and gets to their house? To me it doesn't look like they have sand bags around their house so to me they aren't prepared for the flood. I think when people are living around there where it floods badly every year they should always be prepared for the water levels to get up to their house. If i was these people i would have had the sand bags up by my house so that if the water level did get too high the water would be stopped. You can also see that the only have a canoe to get around in. Could you imagine having to paddle across your property just to get to the highway to go uptown then having to pack the canoe with every thing you got then paddling across your property again with more weight in the canoe. But i guess life can't be easy all the time.


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